Friday, August 28, 2009

"Hooded men" kill 12 indigenous Colombians

       Gunmen have shot and killed at least 12 Awa indigenous natives, four of them children, in an attack in a southern coastal region of Colombia that is a springboard for cocaine shipments.
       Wednesday's attack near the Ecuador border was carried out by "hooded men wearing military uniforms" at the Gran Rosario reserve,80km from the Pacific port of Tumaco, said National Indigenous Organisation of Colombia (ONIC) president Luis Evelio Andrade.
       Some 11,000 members of the Awa indigenous group occupy a strip of land along the border region that is also used by drug traffickers to facilitate cocaine shipments across the Pacific.
       "In that zone, guerrillas, paramilitaries and the army are active," said Mr Andrade, whose group represents 1.3 million Colombian native Indians.
       The Colombia office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, which has reported increased attacks by armed groups on indigenous groups,"strongly"condemned the latest killing.

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